
Suresh Bidari

Suresh Bidari

Suresh Bidari is one of the recipients of the NIMJN Human Trafficking Reporting Fellowship from Madhesh province. This fellowship was open to the training participants of the NIMJN’s Reporting on Human Trafficking and Human Rights using Multimedia Tools training held in Janakpur for the journalists in Madhesh province, supported by Australian Aid. Suresh was selected based on his story idea related to human trafficking issues in Madhesh province. Suresh has been doing journalism since 2006. His radio journalism career spans over 10 years and he has also worked in media outlets Naya Patrika Daily, Avenueskhabar TV,, and Himal Media. Suresh is currently a freelance journalist and is also pursuing his post-graduate studies at Tribhuvan University in journalism. His reporting areas of interest include reporting on social issues, economic issues, climate change, human rights, and human trafficking. Suresh looks forward to exploring human trafficking issues in Madhesh province through the lens of investigative journalism in collaboration with NIMJN.