
Investigations English

How Risky Is Heat For Pregnant Women?

How Risky Is Heat For Pregnant Women?

Although there are no specific scientific studies on Maya's problem, it is found that the increasing heat worldwide is affecting pregnant women, which is impacting births. Studies have also shown that excessive heat affects fetal development and increases the risk of premature birth. A report titled 'Extreme Heat, Pregnancy and Stillbirth: Expert Review' by researchers including Ana Bonell of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the UK has shown that rising temperatures are affecting pregnant women. This study found that heat increases the risk of stillbirths, neonatal mortality, and affects the baby before birth.

Bhagirathi Pandit | Mar 20, 2025

Investigations Nepali

सांस्कृतिक पहिचान र अस्तित्व गुमाउने खतरामा उपल्लो मुस्ताङ

सांस्कृतिक पहिचान र अस्तित्व गुमाउने खतरामा उपल्लो मुस्ताङ

उपल्लो मुस्ताङका मध्ययुगीन बस्ती र यहाँका सांस्कृतिक सम्पदा जलवायु परिवर्तनका कारण देखिने संकटसँग जुधिरहेका छन् । आन्तरिक र बाह्य पर्यटक लोभ्याउने लोमन्थाङका पुरातात्विक सम्पदा मात्र नभएर पछिल्लो समयमा समग्र उपल्लो मुस्ताङकै अस्तित्व संकटमा पर्ने चिन्ता स्थानीय बासिन्दाले गर्न थालेका छन् । अध्ययन र अनुसन्धानले पनि उपल्लो मुस्ताङका प्राकृतिक तथा ऐतिहासिक सम्पदा संकटमा पर्न सक्ने औंल्याएका छन् ।

Ghanshyam Khadka | Mar 24, 2025

Features English

Supporting Smallholder Women Farmers With Hand Tractors

Supporting Smallholder Women Farmers With Hand Tractors

Gyanu Bhandari is an example of what smallholding women farmers can achieve in gaining economic independence with continuous commitment, hard work, and a little help from the local government. The vegetables from her limited farmland sustain her livelihood and cover the education expenses of her children. It wasn’t easy for Bhandari, whose husband is in Hungary on foreign employment, to establish herself as an independent small-scale vegetable farm owner.

Tanka Dhakal | Jan 31, 2025

Features Nepali

कुवेत पुगेका महिला शोषणमा, प्रमाणको अभावमा न्याय पाउन वञ्चित

कुवेत पुगेका महिला शोषणमा, प्रमाणको अभावमा न्याय पाउन वञ्चित

आफ्नो परिवारको पालनपोषणका लागि भन्दै घरेलु कामदारका रूपमा वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा गएर सस्यामा पर्ने हरिमाया त एक उदाहरण मात्र हुन् । उनीजस्ता धेरै महिलाले घरेलु कामदारका रूपमा विदेश जाँदा मानसिक तथा शारीरिक यातना भोग्नुपरेको छ । विदेश जानका लागि मात्रै होइन, काम गर्न नसकी बीचमै फर्किंदा पनि दलाललाई लाखौं रुपैयाँ बुझाउनुपरेको छ । प्रमाणको अभावमा उनीहरू न्याय र क्षतिपूर्ति पाउनबाट पनि वञ्चित हुनुपरेको छ ।

Urmila Yadav | Mar 12, 2025