
Investigations English

Santa's Unfulfilled Dream

Santa's Unfulfilled Dream

Santa Bahadur, who was from Dharche-3 of Gorkha, had left home for greener pastures in Malaysia on the eve of Dashain with the dream of educating and bringing up his children in the best manner possible. However, less than three months later, on December 28, 2022 (Poush 13, 2079), he met with a car accident and died.

Devaki Bist | Mar 26, 2024

When the Vehicle Carrying the Dead Body Stopped in the Middle...

When the Vehicle Carrying the Dead Body Stopped in the Middle...

In case of the death of a migrant worker with a work permit, the Foreign Employment Board arranges a vehicle to take the dead body home. The board claims that four-wheel vehicles are used in transporting the body, the information that we got using the right to information did not find any four-wheel vehicles in use.

Devaki Bist | Mar 26, 2024

Investigations Nepali

अधुरै रह्यो सन्तको सपना

अधुरै रह्यो सन्तको सपना

गोरखाको धार्चे–३ का सन्तबहादुर छोराछोरीलाई राम्ररी पढाउने, हुर्काउने र भविष्य उज्यालो बनाइदिने सपना बोक्दै दसैंको मुखमा घर छाडेर मलेसियाको बाटो लागेका थिए । मलेसियाको जोहर बहरूमा काम थालेको तीन महिना नपुग्दै काममा गइरहेका बेला कार दुर्घटनामा परेर उनको मृत्यु भयो ।

Devaki Bist | Mar 21, 2024

वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा शव बोक्न किन राखिएन फोर–ह्वील गाडी ?

वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा शव बोक्न किन राखिएन फोर–ह्वील गाडी ?

श्रम स्वीकृति लिएर वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा गएका श्रमिकको मृत्यु भएमा वैदेशिक रोजगार बोर्डले शवलाई घरसम्म पुर्‍याउन गाडीको व्यवस्था गर्छ । तर बोर्डले शव बोक्न फोर-ह्वील गाडी प्रयोग नगर्दा पहाडी भेगमा शव ढुवानीमा समस्या छ ।

Devaki Bist | Mar 21, 2024

आवश्यकता एकातिर, प्राथमिकता अर्कै

आवश्यकता एकातिर, प्राथमिकता अर्कै

सरकारले कोरोना महामारी रोकथाम, नियन्त्रण र उपचारमा बजेट नछुट्टयाएको होइन तर आवश्यकता पहिचान र जनशक्ति व्यवस्थापनमा कमजोरी हुँदा सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशका संक्रमितले हैरानी बेहोर्नुपरेको हो । यही कमजोरीका कारण कतिपयको ज्यानैसमेत गयो ।

S. Dhiren | Apr 30, 2021

कोभिड–१९ महामारीको असर

कोभिड–१९ महामारीको असर

कोरोना महामारीमा विद्यालय बन्द हुँदा घरमै सीमित बालबालिकामा मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्या बढ्दै गएको पाइएको छ।

Renuka Giri | Nov 8, 2021


Manika BK

Manika BK


Madhuri Mahato

Madhuri Mahato


Elina Diyali

Elina Diyali

Investigative Journalist

Tanka Dhakal

Tanka Dhakal

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Sonam Lama

Sonam Lama

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Madhab Basnet

Madhab Basnet

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Bidhur Dhakal

Bidhur Dhakal

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Kalpana Bhattarai

Kalpana Bhattarai

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Rajneesh Bhandari

Rajneesh Bhandari

Chief Editor

Ranjita Adhikari

Ranjita Adhikari

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Dinesh Regmi

Dinesh Regmi

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Netra Tamang

Netra Tamang

Investigative Journalist

Keshav Ghimire

Keshav Ghimire

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Diwakar Pyakurel

Diwakar Pyakurel

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Devaki Bist

Devaki Bist

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Swechchha Raut

Swechchha Raut

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Rabi Raj Baral

Rabi Raj Baral

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Krishna Adhikari

Krishna Adhikari

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Sagar Budhathoki

Sagar Budhathoki

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Bhasha Sharma

Bhasha Sharma

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Bhawani Bhatta

Bhawani Bhatta

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Sanjita Devkota

Sanjita Devkota

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Chiranjibi Ghimire

Chiranjibi Ghimire

Investigative Reporter

Durga Dulal

Durga Dulal

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Parbat Portel

Parbat Portel

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S. Dhiren

S. Dhiren

Investigative Journalist

Basant Pratap Singh

Basant Pratap Singh

Investigative Journalist

Renuka Giri

Renuka Giri

Investigative Reporter

Bikram Khadka

Bikram Khadka

Investigative Journalist

Rudra Khadka

Rudra Khadka

Investigative Journalist

Tufan Neupane

Tufan Neupane

Investigative Journalist